We found this brick inside the fireplace in the sitting room. (Cara wants to make the sitting room into the dining room, I know, I know.) I tried googling "St Louis V & F. B. Co. Standard" without any luck so if anyone has any info on this, please divulge.
I was curious about the markings on the brick and could only find one other mention at: http://community-2.webtv.net/NOSTALGIAMERICA/OldIsGood/page4.html
Looks like a signature brick the company left to advertise their work. They must have done a good job because it lasted longer than the company! Several of our fireplace bricks have a brickmaker's name stamped on them too.
Thanks for the replies! It's kind of weird that the other fireplace doesn't have a signature brick in it. Or at least the bricklayers didn't turn the signature side out.
I found out that the entire name of the company is St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Brick Company from a really long website name. The book it was found in was "Report of the Test of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes" written in 1907. That's all I could find!
Fun too!!
Jessica, you rock!!!
How did you find that website? I spend probably at least an hour looking around for info like that.
You know, I don't even remember how I found it. Different combinations of the company name. I found it under the Google Book search. The link is long!!!
My family was digging up some bricks from a sidewalk to replace and saw the same bricks!!!!!! We have a over a hundred year old house in Minnesota. So we wanted to know how old these bricks were. If anybody knows anything about it please e-mail me!!!! at mookayla@hotmail.com
My great great grandfather, Frank C. Pauley, was president of St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Brick Co. from about 1910 until his retirement in 1925. That is all I know.
byron, the house was built in 1895.
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