Sunday, June 01, 2008

Fence: Day ???

I don't remember what day the fence is on but it's almost complete. There are three gates to build and their work is done. After the pickets are sufficiently dry it will get stained white. Not much else to say about a fence so here are the pics.



Blogger NV said...

WOW! You have an incredible home. Looks like LOTS of work has gone into it. My hat's off to you.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Very nice fence!

11:19 PM  
Blogger C&C said...

Thank you for the comments. I'll be glad when the fencers decide to come back and install the gates. They installed the ball caps on the posts so the gates are all that's left to do.


8:32 AM  
Blogger Nichole said...

Fences are such exciting things! We live in a 100-year old row home and just put a fence up in our backyard (with our neighbor, no hard feelings!). The privacy from that stretch of fence is amazing...our backyard feels like an extension of our house now and not a place that I need to sneak out into if i'm wearing my PJs!!!

1:01 PM  

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