We are coming ever nearer to a nice hot shower. I have this gut feeling though that after the bathroom is done and I'm ready to take a nice long hot shower, there will be minimal water pressure. Is there any way to test the water pressure before the fixtures get installed?
So...The bathroom update.

The sub floor has been installed and after the brace job I did on the joists, the floor is very sturdy.

We stripped the walls down to the studs because the plaster was so damaged. We will now be able to insulate the exterior wall.

During the process, one of our cats decided to check out the newly exposed crawl space.

No, Cara's not plumbing. She's trying to fish the cat out. ;)
So that's where we are, the drywall is going to be installed Wednesday and I still have to insulate and tear the old drywall and plaster off the ceiling so I'd better get to work.